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Online Event | Guild AGM 2020

  • 25th Aug, 2020
  • 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm

Online via Zoom


The Guild’s AGM is set for Tuesday, August 25th from 7 – 8.30 pm and will take place virtually via Zoom.

All members of the Guild are welcome to attend and hear from the Guild’s Board on achievements over the past year and plans for the future.  Full members are entitled to vote at the AGM; Associate and Corporate members are welcome to join us, but may not vote.


Agenda & Papers
The AGM agenda and papers can be downloaded below:


Election of Board directors
The following directors are retiring by rotation: Paul Nunny and Robert Humphreys. Katie Wiles and Jacopo Mazzeo, as co-opted directors, must also retire.  Joanna Dring is stepping down from her role as Director. All Directors were thanked for their contribution to the Guild.

We therefore have five vacancies on the Board.

Paul, Robert, Katie and Jacopo will be standing for re-election.  Matthew Curtis and Kate Oppenheim are also standing for election.

As this year’s AGM is taking place online, the Board has approved an alternative method of online voting which will take place in advance of the AGM. Find more detail below.


Voting and proxy voting
The voting for the Election of Board Directors will take place online in advance of the AGM. All Full members who have registered to attend the AGM will receive a survey link 2 days in advance of the AGM to place their votes. Only votes received via the survey link during the designated 48-hour window will be counted; there will not be an opportunity vote for the Election of Board Directors during the AGM. The results of the vote will be announced live during the AGM.

Voting for or against motions will take place live during the AGM using Zoom’s poll function.

Full members who are unable to join live are able to vote via proxy. To request a proxy form, email Completed proxy forms must be received by Friday, August 21st.


Confirmation of attendance
To RSVP, email RSVPs must be received by Friday, August 21st.

Attendees will be provided with the Zoom link the day before the AGM.


Upcoming Events

No upcoming events.