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Meet the Editors

  • 14th Nov, 2018
  • 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm

In this second ‘Meet the Editors’ session for Guild members, three speakers shared thoughts and advice on how to get work published. Our thanks to Adrian Tierney-Jones, managing editor of Original Gravity and Beer Writer of the Year 2017; Chris Losh, editor of Imbibe magazine and Rob Davies of The Guardian.

Pitches for Imbibe should be brief – one paragraph on your story idea, with realistic suggestions of who you could speak to for comment. Chris advised sending two or three ideas at once, and being clear about why the core readers working in pubs or bars would be interested in the story. He added, “Generally,

Articles for Original Gravity need to be ‘asymetric’ said Adrian. “We want an article on why you shouldn’t be a Beer Sommelier.” Stories need to be about people, about the wider world than just beer. He also advised writers to have self-belief, saying “editors don’t always get it right, so if you’re convinced you have a story, argue your case with them.”

Rob said the Guardian was looking for “the beer story that’s interesting to everyone, even if they don’t drink beer” and cited a recent Brewdog trademark piece, which attracted 150,000 views.  He added, “There are a number of ways to pitch a story to the Guardian – if it isn’t right for us on the business desk, it might work as a food and drink story. Look at different angles.”

For PRs, the advice was to stop sending irrelevant press releases, and to make sure the story lead is in the first paragraph.  A compelling headline in the email subject line is also important.

The were united in wanting articles submitted on time, to length and to spec.  “Filing late, with an article that’s gone off in a different direction to the one we agreed, is one way to make sure you’re not commissioned again!” said Chris.

Pete Brown, chairing the event, recommended Stephen King’s ‘On Writing’, his memoir and advice to aspiring writers.


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