Natalya Watson
Beer Educator
- author
- podcaster
- beer sommelier
- educator
- advanced-cicerone
- beer sommelier
- ibd general certificate in brewing
What is the one thing you'd like to tell visitors to the Guild's website?
Beer Educator | Author | Podcaster
What you can offer as a writer/beer lover?
Natalya Watson is a Beer Sommelier and Advanced Cicerone® passionate about sharing her knowledge of beer with others by hosting brilliant beer tastings for all kinds of audiences. She regularly teaches at the Beer & Cider Academy, judges at beer competitions, and produces and hosts the podcast Beer with Nat. Her debut book, Beer: Taste the Evolution in 50 Styles, is now available.
What do you like most about being a Guild of Beer Writers member?
Tapping into the insight and inspiration from fellow members.