The Home Brewer's Guide to Vintage Beer
A look at British beer styles from 1800 to 1965, detailing how they have changed over the years. With over 100 recipes for historic beers.
What is the one thing you'd like to tell visitors to the Guild's website?
Don’t believe anything written by anyone other than me about Scottish beer.
What you can offer as a writer/beer lover?
A depth of historical research into beer that is unrivalled. I’ve trawled through brewing records, brewing text books and newspaper archives and have assembled information about more than 20,000 beers.
What do you like most about being a Guild of Beer Writers member?
Going to the annual dinner and meeting other beer writers.
A look at British beer styles from 1800 to 1965, detailing how they have changed over the years. With over 100 recipes for historic beers.
Easily the most accurate and extensive work ever written on the history of Scottish beer. Iyt includes more than 370 historic recipes, from the realy 19th century to 1970. It was runner up in the Best Beer Book category of the North American Guild of Beer Writers 2017 competition.