Brewpoint brewery tours advert
Promotional video made in 2023 for the Brewpoint brewery tours.
What is the one thing you'd like to tell visitors to the Guild's website?
Tim is a certified beer sommelier and communicator, specialising in public speaking. He has run over a thousand brewery tours, tutored tastings and talks in the past nine years. His passion is making other people as excited about great beer and pubs as he is.
In his role as tour manager at Brewpoint brewery, Tim has researched and written a brewery tour script which has been presented to over ten thousand guests in three and a half years.
Tim is active on Instagram under the handle @beerwithtim and has his own personal beer blog
What you can offer as a writer/beer lover?
Lively, personable and engaging verbal beer communication that resonates with consumers.
What do you like most about being a Guild of Beer Writers member?
It’s great to be a part of a group that supports its members, to further our shared interests. Beer is one of the most fascinating, complex and significant man-made products in the world. Communication around beer is vital to enhancing consumer confidence and enjoyment. The work of the Guild and its members helps spread the word of good beer.
Promotional video made in 2023 for the Brewpoint brewery tours.
Reel made to promote the launch of SIBAs Indie Beer UK campaign.
A post on my personal blog, detailing my thoughts about how we may see independent breweries moving into the ‘smooth flow’ keg ale market in 2025.