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Good Beer Hunting: Call for Pitches

Publication or Company Name Good Beer Hunting
Subject / Opportunity Good Beer Hunting: Call for Pitches
Further details Good Beer Hunting is open to pitches across our major story categories. Please see our style guide for more information: We’re looking for detailed pitches that explore your idea at length, including potential sources, why you’re well-positioned to write this story, and more info about you. Prior to pitching, it’s also recommended to familiarise yourself with our site to get a sense of our style and the topics we have covered previously. Please also include the potential story category in your pitch (note: our Sightlines news category is handled in-house exclusively). This is an ongoing opportunity, and we look forward to hearing from you!
What type of work is it? Invitation to pitch
Contact email for publication
Is this an exclusive to Guild Members? No
Start Date 06-20-2022
Fee to be paid (or link to rate card / pitching guide) $700 for long-form features