The last few months have been incredibly difficult for pubs; probably some of the hardest they have ever faced. We feel these stories need to be shared through a contemporary media, and with expert voices to bring about greater understanding of the struggles of people working in the pub and beer industry.
Turning The Tide is a new project with filmmakers and creatives who have teamed up to give life to a show that will help us share voices of the beer and hospitality industries at a time that they need to be heard most. It all began as a passion project, entirely self-funded so far and consists of five episodes of roughly 25 minutes each.
The show is trying to raise awareness for all the struggles pubs and bars are facing during the current pandemic, beyond the personal consequences this has for those behind the bar. We want to create a tighter community and get more appreciation for what pub culture means to people’s day to day lives. Watching the show will offer an expert and unique insight on British public houses and explore how much the London pub culture is at risk during and post-pandemic.
Be a part of our journey by supporting us
We are now at a crucial point where we need help to have the first episodes of the show reach its fullest potential – we currently need some extra funds to complete the final touches on post-production and promotional materials. We also have plans to start visiting more pubs around London and perhaps the UK (when the government allows), to find out how they are keeping and listen to their experiences.
We strongly feel that what we are doing has significance in anthropology, sociology, history and public interest. We cannot wait to share what we’ve been doing up ’til now and appreciate your interest in supporting us in our endeavours.
Please see our donation or reward offerings and consider backing us. If there are any other ways you envisage in supporting us, we would appreciate it that you got in touch.
Notes to Editors
About What’s In The Glass?
What’s In The Glass? is a genuine journey that started in the turbulent most months of 2020. With over ten years of experience in the beer business, WITG? has the knowledge and passion to build a platform where we tell stories about hospitality and the beer industry, and the people working in it.
The team behind this particular digital project includes video makers, writers and beer experts, all of whom have genuine intentions to be voices of UK hospitality and beer industries at this critical time.
About Gabriele Bertucci
Gabriele, the founding member behind this historically poignant venture and production, is a beer guy based in London. Not only does he make hugely valuable contributions to the London beer scene, he holds equally valuable titles amongst his peers in the industry. Gabs is an Accredited Beer Sommelier by The Beer & Cider Academy, a member of The British Guild of Beer Writers, has been recently shortlisted for the “Best Citizen Beer Communicator” award, and also is founder of the digital community “What’s In The Glass?”.
Press release from Gabriele Bertucci
For more information, please contact Gabriele Bertucci at What’s In The Glass?:
E: T: +44 7745 968697