Most people are familiar with the BBC’s ‘Question Time’ on television or ‘Any Questions?’ on radio. A panel of politicians and other experts answer questions from studio – now online – audiences.
Crisp, which has attracted brewers from across the world to its weekly webinars, are holding a Brewers’ Question Time with a similar format. It’s at 3pm (BST) on Thursday 23rd April.
Guild member Colin Johnston from Crisp will chair the session. The panel will comprise Brian Dickson from Northern Monk Brewery, Stuart Swann from Howard Town Brewery, Andrew Whalley from Charles Faram, and Andrew Paterson from Lallemand Yeast. Crisp’s technical team will also be on hand to answer questions on malt.
“We’re excited to be bringing a range of expertise to the table,” says Colin. “With the combined wealth of experience and breadth of knowledge among our panellists, every question should be possible to answer. And of course, the way these webinar sessions work means that any participant can submit comments and answers – as well as questions.”
“All the panellists are keen to share insights – and are up for addressing challenging questions about their respective areas of expertise, so please do take advantage and join us at 3pm on Thursday.”
The more questions received in advance of the session, the better. Brewers and beer writers are encouraged by the maltsters and all the other panellists to:-
- sign up to Brewers’ Question Time here
- send in questions and brewing conundrums to, @crispmalt on Twitter, @crispmaltings on Instagram or Crisp Malt on Facebook.
“Beer writers are very welcome to join us for these sessions: listening to brewer-led discussions is a great way to improve brewing and beer knowledge!” says Colin.
“Just don’t forget to sign-up via the link and tune in at 3pm (BST) on Thursday 23rd April.”
Further info: 07432 692309