Emma McClarkin, CEO of the British Beer and Pub Association, said:
“The beer and pub sector is an economic bellwether for the nation’s economy, supporting 936,000 jobs – from the farmers growing malting barley and hops, to the scientists and brewmasters crafting the beers and the landlords pulling pints. The sector is committed to creating jobs and providing critical economic growth across the country but, in order to deliver this, we need flexibility on labour and to see a reduction in the cost of doing business.
“The Chancellor highlighted the importance of supporting Britain’s beer and pub sector when she announced a five-point plan for pubs during the general election campaign. Central to that plan was reforming business rates, which we and our members support and we are eager to see more detail.
“In the meantime it is vital that the 75% relief be maintained to provide the financial certainty businesses need to grow, while we look forward to establishing the sustainable tax and regulatory framework pubs need to thrive and keep creating local jobs.”
Media Contact: Press, press@beerandpub.com
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