Commenting on the release of the Technical Consultation on Small Brewers’ Relief, CAMRA Chairman Nik Antona said:
“As trade associations and brewers will be doing over the coming weeks, CAMRA will also take the time to digest and analyse the complex consultation document, which does include new information on the Treasury’s decision-making process to date, and we look forward to providing a full response to the Treasury as part of the consultation process.
“The consultation document states that 73% of small brewers surveyed said that they are content with the current structure of Small Brewers’ Relief, so we remain unconvinced that the proposed changes – resulting in around 150 small brewers paying more tax – are the best route to improve SBR.
“While we recognise that any changes to SBR will not come into force until next year, this has been a devastating year for small brewers, who have been unable to benefit from the same level of financial support as other hospitality businesses during the COVID crisis.
“These changes are due to come in at a time at when the Government should be providing more support to our vibrant small brewing sector to aid its recovery, rather than planning on withdrawing tax relief from some of the smallest brewers, who are vital to maintaining consumer choice in the beer market.”
CAMRA, the Campaign for Real Ale, is a not-for-profit consumer group with over 180,000 members that has been operating since 1971. Our vision is to have quality real ale and thriving pubs in every community.
Press release from CAMRA
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