Carlsberg UK has unveiled a new, better Carlsberg Danish Pilsner and accompanying ‘betterments’ that will improve the consumer drinking experience and minimise its environmental impact, as part of a bold strategy to revitalise its flagship beer in the UK.
New Carlsberg Danish Pilsner will be available in trade from 1 March, supported by a multi-million pound investment and new visual identity which aims to increase brand quality perceptions. The trade launch will be supported by the brand’s most ambitious, integrated consumer marketing campaign to date, incorporating TV, digital and out-of-home, which will be revealed in April and run throughout 2019.
Better brew
In order to reconnect with the principles of Carlsberg’s founder, J.C. Jacobsen, and his belief in the art of brewing and the pursuit of better, the brewer has enhanced every aspect of its beer – including the choice of ingredients through to the brewing process – in order to brew its best ever quality beer. Carlsberg considers it to be a perfectly-balanced Danish Pilsner.
Carlsberg Danish Pilsner remains at 3.8% ABV and retains the light, refreshing qualities of its predecessor but has been ‘rebrewed from head to hop’ to deliver a smoother, fuller mouth-feel and a perfect balance of bitterness and sweetness. Distinctive citrus and floral hop aromas deliver greater depth of flavour and a hoppy moreish aftertaste that will stay with you until the final sip.
Better drinking experience
In the trade, the brewer will focus efforts on elevating the consumer drinking experience around Carlsberg Danish Pilsner through a series of betterments, including:
➢ New stemmed glass with tapered top to enhance aroma and improved nucleation for better head retention
➢ New fount, inspired by Danish ceramics, that delivers 360-degree branding and guidance on the perfect serve for bar staff
➢ Bar staff education, perfect pour training and consumer sampling
➢ ZerO₂ cap on bottles that removes oxygen, preserving the freshness and life of the beer
Better environmental footprint
Carlsberg UK has honoured its purpose of brewing for a better today and tomorrow through the roll out of ground-breaking sustainable packaging innovations for its Danish Pilsner:
➢ Snap Pack – which reduces plastic usage through innovative glue technology – is a big step forward towards Carlsberg UK’s goal of reducing the plastic for its Pilsner cans by 50% from brewery to store
➢ New environmentally-friendly ‘Greener Green’ ink incorporated in bottle labels and outer packaging will improve packaging recyclability1
Liam Newton, Vice President Marketing, Carlsberg UK said: “In launching our new, perfectly balanced Carlsberg Danish Pilsner, we’re toasting the brewing passion of our founder J.C. Jacobsen and his legacy of pursuing better, which started over 170 years ago.
“Some of the most popular and recognisable beers, like Carlsberg Danish Pilsner, will continue to represent the biggest segment in UK beer in five years’ time and therefore remains crucial to the health of the beer category overall. We’re firm believers in people drinking better beer, and people want better beer, so why wouldn’t we respond to this consumer need?
“In recent years we have reinvigorated our premium Carlsberg Expørt and we’re now committed to enhancing every aspect of the Carlsberg Danish Pilsner drinking experience, ultimately encouraging the trade and beer drinkers to re-appraise our brand.”
Bhavya Mandanna, Master Brewer at Carlsberg UK adds: “Our new Pilsner has a fuller body and a perfect balance of bitterness and sweetness made possible through modifications to our brewing process and the addition of bittering hops in the brewhouse. Aroma hops with citrus and floral top notes give a greater depth of flavour whilst maintaining the light and refreshing qualities of Carlsberg. The result is a smooth, perfectly balanced, Danish Pilsner.”
Initial consumer research indicates that Carlsberg’s new Danish Pilsner has driven a significant shift in perceptions, with 68% of UK lager drinkers suggesting they prefer the taste of Carlsberg Pilsner over the current UK No1 mainstream lager2. Preference for Pilsner was most significant amongst younger and more affluent consumers.
1 Cradle to Cradle Certified™ Hubergroup Eco-Offset Ink Premium Plus inks improve the recyclability and are produced using renewable energy.
2 Cardinal Brew Research, Dec 18. Sample: 160 UK lager drinkers, aged 18-54.
For media enquiries please contact:
Kate Goodbrand-Dillon Fleet Street Communications T: 020 3567 5811 E:
Chole Walden Fleet Street Communications T: 020 3567 5802 E:
Laura Cunningham Fleet Street Communications T: 020 3567 5811 E:
Notes to Editors:
– Carlsberg Danish Pilsner has been overseen by Bhavya Mandanna, Master Brewer at Carlsberg UK for four years. Winner of the prestigious James Hough Award for global excellence in Brewing as well as Worshipful Company of Distillers, Worshipful Company of Brewers, Allied Brewers Traders Association, and Heriot-Watt University Former Brewing Students Association prizes. She is a Freeman of the City of London and a Scholar and Liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Distillers.
– “Better Tomorrow”, ambition at the heart of Carlsberg UK’s sustainability strategy Together Towards ZERO that targets zero water waste, zero carbon emissions, zero irresponsible drinking and a zero accident culture by 2030.
– Tasting Notes: The light, refreshing qualities that make Carlsberg unique have been retained, but with a smoother, fuller mouthfeel and a perfect balance of bitterness and sweetness. Distinctive citrus hop aromas deliver a greater depth of flavour and a hoppy, moreish aftertaste.