Brigid Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive, comments:
“In retreating from planned tax rises on fuel and ticket prices in rail, it’s clear that above inflation, automatic tax rises and charges are just not working.
“The Government must also abandon the beer tax escalator, which would safeguard 27,000 jobs and boost revenues by £126 million in three years. If ‘RPI plus’ was too much for commuters, it is certainly too much for the Great British pint.”
“I welcome measures to help small businesses on credit easing, and action to ease the immediate burden of business rates, to boost apprenticeships, and cut red tape.”
Twitter: @brigidsimmonds
For further information please contact:
David Wilson: Public Affairs Director Tel: 020 7627 9151
Neil Williams, Communications Manager Tel: (020) 7627 9156 / 07974 249 779
Gareth Barrett, Public Affairs Officer Tel: (020) 7627 9154