BBPA says Chancellor should be investing to SAVE existing jobs in sectors like pubs and hospitality, in addition to investing in new jobs
The British Beer & Pub Association, the leading trade association representing brewers and pubs, has today responded to the Chancellor’s Spending Review.
The trade association has said the Chancellor’s decision to invest in new jobs, but not do more to save thousands of pub jobs that already exist, is ‘staggering’.
With the tightening of restrictions and no additional support given to the pub sector today by the Chancellor, the trade association has said thousands of pub closures and job losses are now inevitable, unless the Government delivers the support pubs need as a matter of urgency.
Emma McClarkin, Chief Executive of the British Beer & Pub Association, said:
“The lack of action by the Chancellor to save pubs and jobs by giving them the proper support they need is staggering. It seems pubs have now been cast adrift by the Government. To save businesses and jobs the Chancellor needs to come back to the House this week and set out an enhanced package of support ahead of the new tier system coming into effect.
“Not only is the Government unfairly rendering pubs unviable or forcing many of them to stay closed this Christmas, it isn’t even giving them the full financial support they need to survive. Whilst the news of a review of business rates reliefs in the New Year is a glimmer of positive news, it is not nearly enough.
“It’s all well and good investing in new jobs, but the actions of this Government are killing viable pub businesses and thousands of jobs that already exist. Yet the Government is not doing enough right now to help them survive nor Britain’s brewers that are reliant on them.
“If our sector isn’t allowed to trade properly, or at all, how on earth can the Chancellor expect it to survive and protect the livelihoods of the thousands of people working in it? Adequate grants need to be given to pubs urgently or they simply
“The Government must do more to help our pubs, the livelihoods they support and the communities they serve across the UK. If not, this really could be the end of the pub in Britain as we know it.”
Press release from BBPA
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