Owners of the Karma Sanctum Hotel Group calls for more support from the hospitality industry by backing #CookforUkraine and removing Russian products from supply chains
Earlier this week the Karma Sanctum Group removed all Russian products from its iconic Soho Sanctum Hotel. It has now taken the decision to back the hospitality’s high profile #CookforUkraine campaign by donating £1 from every bill towards the initiative.
#CookforUkraine seeks to raise money to support those impacted by the war in Ukraine. The hotel group joins 140 restaurants participating in the campaign to date (10th March).
The Karma Sanctum Group will run this initiative across all its properties which includes the Wild Heart Bar & Shokudo based in the Soho hotel as well as the Mole & Badger Pub & Shokudo at Sanctum on the Green in Berkshire. These all have Garry Hollihead, a three-time Michelin Star chef at their helm.
This decision comes as Mark Fuller who runs the luxury group, and his wife Sherene, removed all Russian products including vodkas and caviar known to be sourced from the country as soon as the invasion of Ukrainian was reported. They have also reviewed all supply chains to ensure that no money will be going towards the Russian economy across their portfolio of hotels and restaurants.
Mark Fuller who owns the hotel chain alongside music business legends Andy Taylor and Rod Smallwood, has said the decision:
“Right now, no one can avoid the horror playing out in Ukraine – it is simply heart-breaking and wrong. This situation is very close to us all at the Karma Sanctum Soho and Karma Sanctum on the Green as many of our team members have families and friends in Ukraine and its neighbouring countries.
Without the support of our team, we simply would not have survived the last two years of the pandemic and it is only right to repay that support in this way. I would like to see more across the industry join us. Many Eastern Europeans have remained working across the hospitality sector – they have supported our vibrant and people-focused industry throughout the pandemic. These donations are a small gesture that can help raise much-needed funds for the millions of people impacted.
I saw from my involvement in Live 8, back in 2005 that acts of solidarity such as #CookforUkraine can be extremely effective in aiding such crises. I am committed to limiting funds which support war, either directly or indirectly”.
Karma Sanctum hotels includes the namesake on Warwick Street – a notorious hideaway for rock stars which has long attracted legendary musicians and Wild Heart Bar & Shokudo. Karma Sanctum on the Green in Cookham Dean, Berkshire is the sister property to Karma Sanctum Soho and includes the Mole and Badger Restaurant.
For more information on Karma Sanctum Soho, visit www.sanctumsoho.com
Press release from the Karma Sanctum Group
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