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27th August 2013

Cornwall Brewers Alliance formed

Representatives from Cornish breweries of all sizes have teamed up to create the Cornwall Brewers’ Alliance

The group aims to promote Cornish beers and brewers both in and out of Cornwall, encourage the exchange of technical knowledge, and act as an informal trade association to boost members’ buying and selling power.

Chairman Joe Thomson, of Penpont Brewery, near Launceston, said: “We are keen on working together to help promote Cornwall as a beer connoisseur’s destination, as a county which produces an incredibly diverse and high-quality range of beers which just needs to be showcased to the rest of the world. Working together we can do this more effectively.”

“It’s an opportunity to plan events that will showcase all the Cornish brewers’ beers, as the brewers intend to help promote Cornish beers further.”

The brewers have been meeting once a month at each other’s breweries and will get together at the end of this month for a social gathering at Launceston Beer Festival.

More details of the alliance can be found at the new website



Notes to editors: For more details, contact Joe Thomson at Penpont Brewery on 01566 86069 / 07933 510461