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27th May 2022

Cross-Party Group on Beer and Pubs in the Scottish Parliament launces “Brew with your MSP” Certificate

Tim Preston (right), Brewing and Distribution Director for Greene King, welcomes Craig Hoy MSP, Convener of the Cross-Party Group on Beer and Pubs in the Scottish Parliament, to the Belhaven Brewery.

The Cross-Party Group on Beer and Pubs in the Scottish Parliament has launched the “Brew with your MSP” Certificate to encourage members of the Scottish Parliament to visit local breweries and discover more about the contribution of brewing to the Scottish economy and local communities.

The Convener of the Group, Craig Hoy MSP visited the Belhaven Brewery in Dunbar to launch the certificate, where he had a tour of the brewery from brewer Billy Mathers, brewing and distribution director Tim Preston and Belhaven’s brand manager Fiona Matheson.

Craig said “There are over 100 breweries in Scotland that play a vital role in supplying beer to local pubs and retailers but also exporting beer all over the world. Belhaven brew over ten different beers in Dunbar and it was fascinating to discover the enormous diversity of Scottish beers – from a craft pilsner to a Scottish oat stout. I will be arranging a tasting of Scottish beers in our Parliament later this year to allow MSPs to sample some of our wonderful local beers.”

Tim Preston, from Belhaven Brewery, said: “Belhaven has a proud history stretching back more than 300 years in Dunbar and we’re proud to continue to be one of the largest employers in the town.

“We’re honoured to be the first brewery visited as part of this initiative and to receive our ‘Brew with your MSP’ certificate from Craig. It was great to show him around the brewery so he could meet some of the team and learn about the pressures facing our sector currently, including rising costs and energy inflation, as we seek to continue creating jobs in Scottish pubs and at our brewery.

“It was clear from our discussion that Craig fully understood the vital importance of beer and pubs to the Scottish economy and is excited by opportunities to promote beer exports and encourage tourism to Scotland.”

MSPs or brewers wishing to arrange a brewery visit should contact Paul Hegarty for more information.


The Cross-Party Beer and Pubs Group’s purpose is to celebrate, recognise and enhance the contribution the brewing and pub-related hospitality industry plays in Scotland. It is an approved Cross-Party Group, registered with the Scottish Parliament’s Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments Committee.

Press release from Cross-Party Beer and Pubs Group

For more inform call Paul Hegarty 07808 096250 or