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13th October 2023

East End Pubs

By Alistair von Lion & Tim George

Published 30 October 2023
Hardback £25.00

Celebrating the stories, culture and communities of the East End’s greatest pubs – before they vanish.

Take a tour through the past and present of the East End’s greatest pubs, exploring their forgotten histories, rich architecture and local communities as well as the landladies and lords fighting to keep this vital part of London’s cultural history alive. The East End has seen some of the highest rates of pub closures in Britain. This book focuses on celebrating these memorable pubs so we don’t lose them forever.

From wet led backstreet boozers to historic riverside inns, this sumptuous book is full of beautiful photography and engaging writing that uncovers an often overlooked world of snug bars, welcoming Guv’nors, loyal punters and inventive landladies.

Alistar Von Lion is passionate about the social history and culture of London’s pubs known for his website and on instagram @londonpubexplorer.

Tim George is a photographer documenting London’s ever-changing built environment. He works independently on photography and graphic design.

For further information about this book
or to request a review copy, please contact:
Fiona Smith on 07831 193250 /

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