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24th August 2013

Get you entries in for beer communication awards

The Bank Holiday weekend is upon us and apparently the weather does not look promising. So, perhaps some of the extra day’s holiday could be used to put together your entry into this year’s Guild of Beer Writers’ Awards, before it closes on Friday, 6th September.


Entries are open to writers, broadcasters, bloggers, photographers, poets, webmasters – in fact, to anyone who communicates about beer or pubs and you do not have to be a member of the British Guild of Beer Wrtiers.

The seven categories offer prizes of up to £1,000 for the winner and £500 for the runner up and the winners of each (apart from Corporate Communications) are considered for the overall Beer Writer of the Year.


The current title holder Pete Brown is chairing this year’s panel of judges, which also includes: Karen Barnes, editor of Delicious magazine; Bill Dobson, head brewer at SA Brain; David Wilson, public affairs director at the British Beer & Pub Association and Craig Woodhouse, political correspondent at The Sun and part of the team which spearheaded the newspaper’s successful campaign to abolish the beer duty escalator.


Entering is as simple as taking copies of your work and submitting with a brief entry form. For details and to download a form,  visit