The Guild’s AGM 2018 will be held on Wednesday 27 June, from 6.30 – 8.30 pm. It takes place at the Bishop’s Finger, 9-10 West Smithfield, London EC1A 9JR, with thanks to Shepherd Neame for generously providing venue and beer.
All members of the Guild are welcome to attend and hear from the Guild’s Board on achievements over the past year and plans for the future, meet fellow Guild members and network over a beer and refreshments. All FULL members are entitled to vote at the AGM, Associate and Corporate members are welcome to join us, but may not vote.
If you are planning to attend, please email, by Wednesday 20 June.
Motions for discussion
Full members may propose a motion for discussion at the AGM. These must be received by 16 May, to
Proxy voting
Full members unable to attend the AGM may appoint a proxy. Please request a proxy voting form from Note that proxy forms must be returned to us 48 hours ahead of the AGM, ie by 6.30 on Monday 25 June.
We hope members will be able to join us.