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22nd March 2017

Guild lecture: “Setting the record straight on beer and health”

Guild members are invited to an evening lecture on beer and health.  As the public health community continues to place stories in the media about the risks of drinking alcohol in moderation, many of them misleading or inaccurate. Our speakers,  two leading experts on alcohol and health, will set the record straight,  providing members of the Guild with the facts about the real risks from drinking alcohol and describing how misinformation is now being challenged in the media.


Chris Snowdon, Institute of Economic Affairs

Dave Roberts, Alcohol Information Partnership


Date + time

Thursday, 27 April 2017

6.30-8.30 pm


Venue (with thanks to Greene King)

The George

77 Borough High St

London  SE1 1NH


This event is free of charge to Guild members. To reserve your place, email