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5th June 2024

Guild Members Apply Now to Take Part in ‘Meet the Member’ Instagram Live Interviews

In a bid to showcase more of our members, we are introducing a range of new social media content features to spotlight individual members. One such feature is ‘Meet the Member’ Instagram Live interviews on Monday evenings.

Each Monday, until the end of July, we’d love to interview a member in a 20-minute chat that will go out live on the Guild’s Instagram channel. Interviews would be at 7pm UK time.

After each live, the chats will go onto the feed so they can be shared after the live also.

Each interview will be led by our new Marketing Exec, Kimberley and prior to the chat you’ll be given a swift live tutorial (or refresher if you’ve done it before), outline questions and joining details – to ensure you’re ready to rock for the live chat.

This is a great opportunity to grow your audience and get into the world of live social media streaming if you’ve never done it before. Please email Kimberley via to express your interest.