To capture as much of our members’ views as possible, we have extended the deadline for this. The final day to submit your feedback is now Sunday 9th February.
Dear members
As the saying goes, it’s a new year and it’s a new us! Or at least, it could be. It’s been a few years since we last did a survey of our members, so deputy chair Emmie has put together a really quick-to-fill-in form that will help the board work out how best to give members and industry partners value for their membership fee. We’d love to hear your views on recent events we’ve held, and particularly events and training sessions you’d like to see in the future. With the industry in so much flux there are lots of options for where the guild can focus its training and mentorship schemes and we’re keen to represent as much of the membership as possible.
It will literally take a few minutes and would really help us steer the guild in the right direction. If you have any questions or want to give deeper feedback, my inbox is always open so please do email me.
Guild chair