Thanks to all members who have paid their subs for 2018/19.
If you haven’t paid your subs, they are now due. We do not issue individual requests due to the number of members now in the Guild, so please treat this as your reminder. Also please note that the annual subs are now £55, as approved by members at the AGM in June. If you don’t know whether you’ve paid for this year, or how much, please contact us and we’ll check.
If you have already paid by standing order at the previous level of £35 or £40, we would appreciate a one off payment for the difference – with apologies for the inconvenience.
Details below for payment. However you pay, PLEASE include a reference that matches the name on your Guild membership so that we can identify which member the payment relates to. We have had a handful of payments which do not tally with any name on our membership list – so please, if you think you may have paid without giving your name as a reference, let us know.
Please note that members who haven’t paid their subs will not be included in the 2019 issue of the Guild Yearbook, published early next year.
Any questions on this, please email
Bank transfer
British Guild of Beer Writers
Sort Code 08-92-99
Account Number 65090398
Please put your name as the reference.
If you’d prefer to pay by cheque then please send it payable to ‘British Guild of Beer Writers’ and posted to ‘BGBW, c/o Cask Marque Trust, c/o Cask Marque Trust, Seedbed Centre, Severalls Park, Colchester, Essex CO4 9HT. Please write your name on the back of the cheque for our reference.
Payments from outside the UK
Bank ID: CPBK GB22
Iban Code: GB06 CPBK 0892 9965 0903 98
Please put your name as the reference.