Last year’s beer festival at the Hall & Woodhouse Brewery, Blandford, Dorset was an outstanding success and this year’s event on
Saturday 26th September hopes to raiseeven more money for charity! “With over £4,335 raised for Macmillan Cancer Support, last year’s festival was such a huge success that we thought we would do it all again this year! This year, with so many charities to choose from, we let the festival organising committee nominate which charity we should support.” explained Head Brewer at Hall & Woodhouse, Toby Heasman. “It was a tough call to make, so one charity became four! This year we are pleased to announce that we will be supporting Dorset Air Ambulance, Alzheimer’s Society, Teddy 20 and the Blandford Opportunity group”.This year’s event will have live music from Dorset based band ‘Selective Hearing’; playing classics from the 50’s to the present day. The‘Mother Ukers’ will also return with their take on modern day classics and ‘forge them into timeless wonders of a bygone era with the power of ‘Ukular Fusion’ warping time and space’.As well as music, visitors can enjoy some hearty festival fare! For those eager to watch England battle it out against Wales in the Rugby World Cup, we will be showing the match live from 8pm.There’s even more for attendees to try this year, with 40 delicious beers and ciders from local brewers and cider producers. As well as old Badger favourites, Badger Ales have brewed some new beers especially for the occasion, which will no doubt tickle the taste buds of loyal Badger fans.£5 tickets are available online at There will be a LIMITED number of tickets available on the day. All money raised will be split evenly between all the named charities above. Please contact: Rachel Burleigh, Hall & Woodhouse, 01258 452141, 26th August 2015Background information:Hall & Woodhouse has been brewing in the heart of the Dorset countryside since 1777. As one of the leading independent brewers in the UK, Hall & Woodhouse is well known for its range of award-winning ales brewed under the Badger brand and its network of public houses throughout the South of England. In 2012 Head Brewer, Toby Heasman was awarded Brewer of the Year by the All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group and Hall & Woodhouse was awarded The Best Tenanted/Lease Pub Company (10-199 pubs) in the Publican Awards. In addition, the company’s new brewhouse continues the legacy and secures the future of brewing in Blandford, Dorset for the next 100 years. The Brewery, now managed by the fifth generation of the Woodhouse family, is justifiably proud of the quality of its ales which are brewed with Dorset spring water filtered through the Cretaceous chalk downs and drawn up 120 feet from the Brewery’s own wells.Rob LearySenior Account ExecutiveSwitchboard: +44(0)20 7291 3000DL: +44(0)20 7291 3039Mobile: +44(0) / @House_PR4th Floor, Portland House, 4 Great Portland Street, London W1W 8QJ The information in this email (and/or any attachment) is confidential and is for the intended recipient only. If you are not the intended recipient, please do not use or disclose the information in any way, please delete this email (and/or any attachment) from your system and please inform us as soon as possible. We have taken every reasonable precaution to ensure that any attachment to this e-mail has been swept for viruses, but we cannot accept any liability for any loss or damage sustained as a result of software viruses and would advise that you carry out your own virus checks before opening any attachment.This email is sent on behalf of House PR Ltd registered office 141 Wardour Street, London, W1 0UT. Registered in England & Wales. Company Number 03345653.
27th August 2015