Free Webinar
Saving The Planet One Grain at a Time: Progress Towards a Zero Carbon Brewing & Distilling Industry
Thursday, April 22 2021, 4:00 – 6:00pm
For more information & registration:
At the start of 2020 and in the wake of environmental pressure groups such as Extinction Rebellion and the activities of Greta Tintin Eleonora Ernman Thunberg the Environment was set to become the defining issue for this decade. As we know the news was quickly superseded by the ravages of the Corona Virus and drama surrounding the US Presidential Election and the prominence given to environmental issues was forced off the news agenda. The devastating effect of human impact on the environment especially climate change has not gone away and will emerge centre stage following the US re-engaging with the Paris Agreement, the G7 meeting in Cornwall in June and Cop26 in Glasgow in November. Environment and Climate Change will assume central stage again and each industry and business will be defined by the efforts made to minimise their carbon footprint.
We decided to hold an Environmental Conference on 22nd April 2021 (World Earth Day) in Cambridge University hosted by IBD and BFBi, the organising group has representatives from all the major UK alcoholic beverage members organisations (BFBi, IBD, MAGB, BBPA, SWA) and had some world class speakers line up including HRH Prince Charles and Sierra Nevada Brewery. However, due to Covid19 we have had to reluctantly postponed the face to face conference until 22nd April 2022, but did not wish to miss this opportunity to engage with our audience and hence will hold an inaugural virtual conference on the original date 22nd April as outlined in the attached flyer where we have bought together some active manufacturers who have practical experience of managing and reducing their carbon footprint.
The alcoholic beverage producers are not the largest generators of carbon emission but make a significant contribution and our customers and investors will expect to see our industry taking the necessary measure to reduce climate change. Resolving these problems will not be achieved through one or two conference by requires an ongoing journey engaging practical operators and sharing best practice. It is hope this initiative will encourage other organisations to hold complementary seminars, workshops and meeting to help our industry to achieve carbon neutral status by or before 2050.
For more information, contact Guild member Tim O’Rourke (