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29th February 2024

In Focus – Brew Better! Explore The Brewing Programme Of Lille 2024!

Are you a beer enthusiast looking to expand your knowledge and expertise in the art of brewing? This year’s program has an in-depth focus on brewing processes and technologies, covering everything from raw materials to beer styles. Whether you’re a beginner or an expert, our brewing program has something for everyone.


  1. Discover the fascinating world of Saison, a beer style originating from the shared French-Belgian areas of Hainaut and Flanders. Hear from our Saison experts during the Brewers Forum session: Saison – between tradition and reinterpretation.
  2. Discover the latest innovations in the fast-growing non- and low-alcoholic beer segment at the upcoming EBC Congress session. Four expert speakers will showcase the most important technological developments. No- and low-alcohol beers (Nablab).
  3. Join us for a 3-presentation series focused on wort production and quality. Discover the optimal starch-enzyme balance, increase your filter capacity, and learn about the relationship between starch properties and fermentability. Wort production & Wort quality.
  4. Get ready for the highly anticipated EBC Congress session on downstream beer processing! Learn about accelerated processes, pasteurisation optimisation and fining solutions for unfiltered beer from expert speakers. Downstream processing & Co-products.
  5. EBC Congress will feature a 4-presentation session solely focused on the impact of malt and adjuncts on brewing. Learn about barley stress-resistant cultivars, drying barley’s impact, and different rice cultivars in brewing. Malt and Brewing adjunct quality.
  6. Looking to enhance your knowledge of hops in beer? The EBC Congress program has got you covered! Discover hop kilning techniques, explore the difference between liquid and solid forms of hop aromas, learn about the impact of aged hops in the kettle and during dry-hopping, and uncover the residual enzymatic activities of hops and spices in dry-hopped beers. Hop & Hop products.


Join us at Lille 2024, the brewing industry’s premier conference from 26-30 May 2024. Get the latest updates and trends from industry leaders.

Register before 15 March 2024 and take advantage of our Early Bird fees to save big on your registration while securing your spot at the event. With various ticket types available, you can select the one that suits you best.

As a member of The Brewers of Europe, you will enjoy an extra 10% discount on your registration fees.

Get your preferred ticket now and be part of the Lille 2024 community!


Lille 2024 is organised by The Brewers of Europe together with its technical and scientific arm, the EBC – European Brewery Convention. Based in Brussels, The Brewers of Europe brings together national brewers’ associations from 29 European countries and provides a voice to represent the united interests of Europe’s 10,000+ breweries.

Contact: Lille 2024,

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