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8th January 2018

Industry campaign evolves in response to urgent beer duty threat

Following a strategic review of the major issues facing the beer and pub sector over the next few years, the cross-industry consumer campaign, There’s A Beer For That, is evolving into a new campaign with a revised emphasis to address one of the trade’s most urgent threats.


The new campaign will consist of consumer and trade facing initiatives that highlight the many positive aspects of beer and pubs, and raise awareness of the threats facing our traditional British way of life as a result of planned year on year beer duty increases. It will galvanise beer drinkers, pub goers and industry staff in record numbers, to protect their way of life and lobby their MP. The industry will continue to work together and fund the programme, following the successful model created by ‘There’s A Beer For That’.


The campaign’s singular mission will be to stop the devastating impact of high beer duty because, despite a tax freeze in the most recent Autumn budget, the level remains prohibitively high. There are fears that unless action is taken now, year on year increases could make the traditional beer with family and friends in a local pub only affordable for a privileged few, leading to lower sales, more pub closures and loss of jobs.


There are 900,000 people who rely on the industry for work, 46% of which are young people.  Nationally, the sector adds nearly £23 billion to the economy, paying £13 billion in taxation.   Following a period of four years in which the Chancellor either cut or froze beer duty, the return to a retail prices index-linked rise in last March’s Budget was disappointing and existing levels of taxation are not sustainable.


Announcing the change in direction, David Cunningham, Programme Director of There’s A Beer For That said “Since its launch in 2014, the campaign has been successful in reigniting Britain’s love of beer by promoting the quality, diversity and versatility of beer. It has reached an audience of over  50M people through an integrated multi-channel campaign including TV, posters, press, events, festivals, social and digital and activation in the on and off trade, gaining nationwide support, recognition and awards along the way. As a result, all key image scores for beer quality, diversity and versatility have improved significantly over the last four years.


“We have continued to review and challenge the strategic direction taken to ensure that the campaign remains relevant for consumers and for the industry” added Cunningham.  “In our recent strategic review, we assessed the key issues identified when the campaign began and found they are no longer the major barriers to beer and pub growth. Four years on, the beer category is more vibrant and in better health.  This is due to the renaissance the beer category has experienced over the last few years, helped by the campaign and driven by the whole industry getting people to think differently about beer.”


One of the biggest challenges facing the beer and pub industry right now is the negative impact on consumers and retailers that high duty is having on beer prices, with recent RPI (and other) increases having a projected cumulative cost impact of £430 million by 2020.  Whilst exact details of the new campaign are still to be finalised, it is expected to focus on two key messages. Firstly, it will promote the positive multi-faceted story of beer and pubs and secondly it will raise awareness of the threat facing the great British tradition of having a beer with family and friends in the local pub as well as the negative impact this could have, in a post Brexit Britain, on pubs, jobs, the economy, society and the sense of community.


Commenting further on the change in emphasis, David Cunningham said “As an industry we should be proud of what we’ve achieved with There’s A Beer For That.  No other industry-wide collaboration in any other category or country has delivered such a sustained, exciting, multi-channel and effective campaign for the length of time that we have. I’d like to thank everyone who’s been involved in making this happen. There’s A Beer For That has demonstrated the power of working together and promoting a category wide message. We will continue with the same industry wide collaborative approach to develop and deliver a new campaign building on the BBPA and other industry bodies’ successful ‘cut beer duty’ campaigns but significantly up-weighting the focus and investment behind the consumer and trade initiatives. This will not only increase awareness but also drive real change in consumer and industry staff attitude and behaviour towards the impact of ever increasing duty on prices of beer in pubs.


“It is right that we react to the changing issues and threats the industry faces and, having reviewed the campaign objectives in the context of the historic and future planned duty increases that have devastated the beer and pub industry, we must turn our attention to addressing these threats. All campaigns need to change & adapt to the changing needs of consumers and the industry. I’m proud that There’s A Beer For That has delivered such impressive results and proven that the industry is better off working together collaboratively to tackle category wide challenges. This gives us an excellent foundation to combine the resource, expertise and learning from the campaign together with the strength of previous lobbying activity from BBPA and its partners, which will allow us to create something new, exciting and highly impactful. Working with all trade bodies and the wider community, we will create a strong communication platform to raise awareness of the great economic and social benefits the beer and pub industry brings and give it the credit that our European counterparts give their hospitality businesses.”


Final details of the scope and funding of the new project will be announced in the first quarter of 2018.


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For Immediate Release:                                    Monday 8th January 2018


For Further Information contact:                     Kate Hempsall

Tel:  07534 190241


                                                                                Or David Cunningham

Tel:  07920 831366



There’s A Beer For That

Launched in 2014, There’s A Beer For That refined and developed the previous industry campaign ‘Let there be Beer’.  It is backed by over 129 members of Britain’s Beer Alliance which includes the founding global brewers ABInBev, Carlsberg, Heineken and Molson Coors and many regional and independent breweries.  Supporters also include pub companies and major industry organisations including the British Beer & Pub Association, collectively working for the benefit of beer and brewing.  The BBA’s membership represents over 90% of the brewing industry. It is funded by British Beer & Pub Association, ABInBev, Carlsberg, Heineken and Molson Coors

Key achievements

There’s A Beer For That has consistently delivered against its KPI Targets, building on its success year on year. Focusing on messages of quality, diversity & versatility of beer, some of the key achievements include:



  • Enrolment of 129 members to Britain’s Beer Alliance who all committed to supporting the campaign and raising people’s perception of beer. These included big and small breweries, pub companies and a range of industry bodies
  • 5 yrs strong & sustained industry collaboration & funding for a category wide consumer campaign
  • Quality, diversity and versatility measures have improved since launch of the programme (Heineken UK Beer Category Image and Behaviour Tracker)
    • Is made only with natural ingredients +4%
    • Made with craftmanship +12%
    • Is for drinking with food +5%
    • Is for drinking with casual meals +2%


  • Culture Shift finalist – Marketing New Thinking Awards 2017
  • Best European Print Advertising – Drum Creative Awards 2017
  • Best Independent Craft Beer Promotion (Off Trade) – SIBA Business awards 2017
  • Best B2B Marketing – Beer & Cider Marketing Awards 2017
  • Best Print Advertising Campaign – Beer & Cider Marketing Awards 2017
  • Best sponsorship – Beer & Cider Marketing Awards 2017
  • Best Integrated campaign – Beer & Cider Marketing Awards 2016
  • Best Independent Craft Beer Promotion (On-trade) – SIBA Business awards 2016
  • Best Independent Craft Beer Promotion (Off-trade) – SIBA Business awards 2016



  • 7 major off-trade retailers activated There’s A Beer For That programmes instore, online and digital
  • 21 pub and restaurant groups activated programmes in over 4000 outlets
  • Video and digital media scheduling had reach of 26m with 7500 digital interactions
  • Foodies Festival generated over 15,000 direct engagements
  • Social and digital had 64m reach with over 2m engagements
  • Of those exposed to media campaigns, 31% of Guardian readers would be more likely to drink beer with a meal as would 17% of people seeing the digital campaign
  • Helped establish Beer Day Britain with 2000 kits distributed & media campaign reaching 12 million+
  • Total beer category year on year volume growth +0.4%



  • Media partnerships proved successful in educating, increasing purchase intent and beer sales with target audience with Picturehouse Cinemas recording +30% increase in beer sales
  • The Telegraph partnership resulted in +37% increase in purchase intent
  • Total beer category year on year volume growth +0.4%
  • 15 pub groups activated programmes in over 4000 outlets
  • 5 major retailers activated programmes in over 1200 outlets


  • 7 pub groups & 3 major off trade retailers activated programmes
  • National TV advertising that exceeded all industry / beer ad norms
  • 10k incremental pints sold in Ember Inns and Nicholson Inns campaign