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31st January 2012


Jennings Brewery’s classic brew Sneck Lifter has been named as one of the region’s ‘champion beers’
in a set of prestigious awards.

The deep, dark amber ale won the strong mild/old ale category and will now go through to the
national finals of The Campaign for Real Ale’s (CAMRA) Champion Winter Beer of Britain contest against eight regional winners from around the UK.

Jennings Brewery manager Gaynor Green said: “We are delighted! We work really hard to make sure
our beers are not just regional favourites, but have a growing appeal around the country and the

“Sneck Lifter always goes down extremely well in tastings and competitions and is proving to be a
highly successful, multi-award-winning beer.”

The Cockermouth-brewed beer, at 5.1% ABV, was voted one of the top eight by the 16,000 CAMRA members from across the North West, from Cumbria to Merseyside.  It also won top place in the region at a blind tasting by beer writers, brewers, licensees, and trained CAMRA tasters at the National Winter Ales Festival in Manchester last week.

Last year Sneck Lifter was a runner up in the competition and in 2009 it won gold in another prestigious competition – the International Beer Challenge.

Champion Beer of Britain organiser for the North West, Chris De Cordova, said: “Well done to the brewing team! Sneck Lifter will now compete at the finals for Champion Old Ale/Strong Mild of Britain next year, against the other eight regional winners.  If it takes top place in that competition, it will be in the top four for the Champion Winter Beer of Britain 2013 Award. We are immensely proud of having such a great beer brewed in our area!”



For more details contact Liz Slee on 07968 411373 or email