Good Karma specialises in brewing alcohol-free beer and have their sights on releasing a range of 0.5% beers and of wellness sodas that are both alcohol free and bursting with flavour. As their moniker suggests, the brewery is part of the larger mindfulness movement, promoting good health and good vibes.
Good Karma Beer: The brewery and the ethos
Good Karma is a London-based start-up with social responsibility at its core. They are gypsy brewing, meaning they don’t have their own physical brewery, but brew at other facilities. They aim to eventually set up their own brewhouse (they are currently seeking investment for this purpose).
The brewery is dedicated to producing a range of alcohol-free craft beers and wellness drinks using 100% natural and vegan ingredients.
The business is the brainchild of alcohol-free beer pioneer and industry consultant, Steve Dass. Dass has worked in the beer industry for 12 years across product development, marketing and sales. He has been Instrumental in promoting and marketing organic beer in the UK.
In 2016, he set up the UK’s first alcohol-free brewery in London. After a brief hiatus, he has returned with a renewed passion to use his experience and create a fresh, innovative brand.
The Good Karma range will first be focused on a collection of 0.5% beers and a range of wellness sodas will also soon follow.
The business has set up the Good Karma Foundation, where they will partner with charities that are making a real difference, assisting non-profit organisations to protect land, forests, rivers and oceans. They will also be adding further exciting causes as they grow.
Their motto is: BE GOOD, DO GOOD, FEEL GOOD.
No/low alcoholic beer: a growing market
Nielsen, the market research company, says that alcohol-free beer is the fastest-growing trend in the drinks market.
UK sales of low and alcohol-free beers jumped 28.4% for the year ended January 2020 compared to the prior year period, driving £15.2 million in annual sales growth in the same period. The alcohol-free beer category is now worth £68.6m in potential UK retail sales (source: Nielsen)
Almost 8% of The Society of Independent Brewers (SIBA) members now produce a no or low product compared to 5% in 2019 (The SIBA British Craft Beer Report 2020).
According to Mintel’s Alcoholic Drinks Review, 27% of Britons are drinking more low or no alcohol drinks compared to a few years ago. Of this, 42% of those are aged 18-24 and 45% of those are aged 25-34 (source: The Guardian).
It’s predicted that the low alcohol beer trend will continue because the UK hasn’t reached the sales levels seen in other countries.
The collaboration: Culture Shock
For their first release, Good Karma has partnered with South East London’s Rock Leopard Brewing, another exciting independent operation that recently collaborated with one of the UK’s most respected craft breweries, Manchester’s Cloudwater Brew Co.
Culture Shock is an alcohol-free lemon radler, inspired by the Bavarian classic style. It’s extremely thirst-quenching, light and refreshing bursting with flavour.
The beer is available for sale on the brewery’s website here.
Dass says: ‘We wanted to start off with a classic and we all love a radler! Our choice of lemon was inspired by our love and learning of Ayurveda, which we will showcase more when we launch our wellness sodas. And we were also humbled to brew this in partnership with Stacey at Rock Leopard, who is a dear friend of mine.’
Stacey Ayeh from Rock Leopard says: ‘When the history of lo/no alcoholic craft beer is written, it is right that Steve’s historical place in helping to make this happen is acknowledged. It was truly an honour to play a small part in the start of this project. As people start to get a chance to try the beers I’m confident they will agree.’
Culture Shock is now online and available to purchase here.
Social media:
Facebook: Good Karma Beer
Instagram: @goodkarmabeerco
Twitter: @goodkarmabeerco
Notes to Editors:
For further information email Steve Daas on
About Good Karma:
Good Karma is a London-based start-up with social responsibility at its core. It is dedicated to producing a range of alcohol-free craft beers and wellness drinks using 100% natural and vegan ingredients. Good Karma is part of a culture shift towards a more sustainable, diverse and equal society.
Its alcohol free brewing journey started back in 2016, but life got in the way. It is now back on track and excited to be brewing loved beer styles again.
Good Karma is also proud to be a BAME owned business.
About Rock Leopard Brewing:
Rock Leopard Brewing Co makes hand crafted beer. They don’t currently have a permanent home, but are working on it. In the meanwhile, they are getting by with a little help from their friends.
With nearly twenty years of admiration of some of the best breweries and beers in the world, they felt the time was right to try their hand at interpreting some of the beers that they love.
As they are new, they want to get the core range right and also find a permanent home before embarking on exploring past boundaries that some may put on them.
Rock Leopard is inspired by a love of the couchant noble cat and music. It is a proud BAME owned business, one of the few currently operating in London’s craft beer scene right now.