We’re buzzing that the Low2NoBev show has been given the go ahead and can’t wait to welcome exhibitors and guests through the door of The Truman Brewery on 9th and 10th June. It’s going to be a bit different to what we’d originally envisaged, but we’re doing everything we can to look after you and give you a great experience.
So, what will Low2NoBev be like? Obviously, there’ll be a huge selection of low and no alcohol drinks to explore, featuring everything from low-abv beers, ciders, wines & spirits to premium soft drinks, cordials and mixers. Plus, you’ll have the chance to meet the producers, ask everything you want to know about their drinks and even do some deals. There’ll be a full programme of speakers offering insights, advice and guidance on the latest consumer trends, category management and much more so you’ll have the opportunity to discover as much as you can about this exciting and growing category. As Low2NoBev will be one of the first major trade events since the relaxation of lockdown restrictions, we also expect you’ll have chance to catch up with some industry friends and share a few non-contact high fives.
Which brings us onto the protocols we’re putting in place to keep you safe and give everyone confidence that they will be protected during their Low2NoBev show visit. Your safety is our absolute priority but we know that you’ll want to relax when you’re at the show, so we want to strike the right balance. That’s why we have collaborated with association partners including the Association of Event Organisers to develop industry-wide All Secure standards and are working through all the details that give reassurance but enable you to enjoy and get the most out of your visit. These include:
- Advance registration will be encouraged to reduce queuing
- Physical and social distancing will be managed in line with the latest government advice and we recommend that exchange of business data should be done electronically where possible
- Visitor flow around the venue will be enhanced to ensure maximum interaction in the safest environment
- Event signage will be prominently displayed around the venue to remind everyone of social distancing, visitor flow, PPE and personal hygiene requirements
- Hand sanitising stations will be provided throughout the venue, with exhibitors also encouraged to have sanitising stations on their stands
- Face coverings are currently compulsory within exhibition venues and we will be asking visitors to supply and wear their own covering, in line with government guidance
- Food & drink sampling by exhibitors will adhere to local and government guidance in respect of food hygiene and safety
- Track and trace procedures will be coordinated by William Reed, the venue and local authorities to trace and contact participants at our events in line with the latest government advice
It goes without saying that you shouldn’t attend the show if you are displaying any of the COVID-19 symptoms and please check the latest guidelines on symptoms and support if you are in any doubt https://www.gov.uk/coronavirus. Please look after your health and that of your family, friends and industry colleagues.
If we’ve learned anything from the last year, it’s that things can change at a moments’ notice and we’ll be responding to any change in circumstances between now and the end of the show so that you can get value and enjoyment within a safe environment. We’ll keep you updated with the latest guidelines in place for the event and other information via the Low2NoBev website, emails and social media, so please look out for those.
We are looking forward to welcoming you to Low2NoBev and if you haven’t registered your interest in attending yet, please do so at https://www.low2nobev.com. If you have any queries or concerns about your visit in the meantime, please contact Julie Adlington at Julie.adlington@wrbm.com.
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Press release from Kate Hempsall PR on behalf of Low2NoBev