Beer & Cheese: A Nightlong Celebration of Farmhouse Beers & Cheeses 31 May 2018 17:00 Join us on Thursday, May 31st from 5pm for a very special gathering of farmhouse beer and farmhouse cheese.
We’re being joined by the elusive Dark Knight of Cholesterol himself (of Raw Cheese Power fame) for an entire evening of beer and cheese pairing. Farmhouse cheeses and beers share certain rustic qualities, including barnyard, earthiness and funkiness. It might not sound tasty, but it is. Trust us.
Get your £15 ticket in advance and join us at your leisure from 5pm-10:00pm for a platter of three cheeses paired with three 1/3rd servings of beers from The Little Earth Project. You’ll hear about the cheeses and be given a tasting booklet to peruse as you tuck in. Cheese will also be sold on the night for you to take away and enjoy in the comfort of your own home.