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26th March 2012


Fast growing Burnley based Moorhouse’s Brewery has been praised as a ‘high growth champion’ company in BBC sponsored research for the North West.

The survey found the former Lancashire mill town that is enjoying resurgence now has 4,000 companies and is the second best place in the region for businesses with high potential, trailing only Halton in Cheshire.

The research found high growth businesses shared several characteristics; young and small-but-rapidly-growing firms with directors that show an international outlook, entrepreneurial skill, and an appetite for business risk.

Internationally acclaimed Moorhouses Brewery has seen a 100 per cent increase in sales on this time last year following the launch of a £4.2m brewing complex in early 2011.Now the brewery employs 38 full and part-time staff and has enjoyed 22 per cent increase in turnover during the past four months despite the difficult economy. It plans to double its £3.5m pus turnover in the next two years as it becomes a fully fledged ‘regional brewer’

David Grant, managing director, said: “I was delighted but not surprised at this news. As a business we take decisions based upon confidence in our product; confidence in the market; confidence in the town and in our ability to attract investment.

“Our production capacity was 320 barrels of beer a week. We just couldn’t do any more. We could have either sat back and continued as we were, or pushed forward and invested during a difficult economic time. In a pledge of faith in the future, we have doubled our workforce and trebled our production capacity. We can now produce 1,000 barrels a week, or 15 million pints a year and are making our mark as a major brewer.

“In the past two years I have been able to represent the industry and Burnley in meetings with Prince Charles, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Trade and Industry Secretary, yet only a few years we were virtually unknown despite our award winning brands.”





The “Pendle Witch’ brewer is a member of the Burnley Bondholder Scheme, which aims to bring local businesses together and help promote the image of the area. Kevin Keith, bondholder manager, said: “The scheme doesn’t have followers, it has leaders who want to champion the area and have a confidence in the area in general.” Ends/ref: MHPR Moorhouse’s Best in Burnley


Notes to editors:


Moorhouse’s background:


Moorhouse’s is the North West leading dedicated cask-conditioned ale brewer and also runs a six strong pub estate. It supplies hundreds of pubs throughout the North West and nationally through pub companies and leading wholesalers. In May 2011 the Burnley brewer completed a £4.2m expansion plan to treble production capacity and double jobs while helping to revitalise the former mill town.


Moorhouse’s has won more brewing awards than any other brewer of comparable size. Its Pride of Pendle beer scooped the ‘Champion Cask Conditioned Ale’ Trophy from the Brewing Industry International Awards 2004, while Black Cat was voted Champion Beer of Britain 2000 by the Campaign for Real Ale.


For further information contact: Steve Hobman, Rhino Public Relations: 01829 250502/ 07751 578605. email: