Lancashire’s Moorhouse’s Brewery – the acclaimed ‘Pendle Witches’ brewer – is rolling out premium strength Pendle Porter (5%abv) for November as the latest in its seasonal range.
The brew was created by brewer Mark Bennett as a traditional porter with chocolate malt and roasted barley married with English Fuggles hops – but with the added twist of New Zealand’s Green Bullet hops for ‘piney notes’. Moorhouse’s says: ‘The chocolate, coffee, mint and pine sweetness is balanced by astringency from the roasted barley and dark malt.’
The launch of a new £4.2m brewing complex in 2011 trebled the former production capacity at the North West’s leading dedicated cask brewer to more than 1000 barrels a week – 15 million pints a year. This allows special ales to be brewed each month to include new creations brews and the return of old favourites such as Amber Rambler and Old Boss Bitter.
Managing director David Grant said: “Pendle Porter is a deliciously comforting beer for the long dark nights of November – a traditional porter but with the imaginative twist of New World hops. Although a style much neglected for many years porter has a long history and is now enjoying a revival, especially in the winter months. We expect it to be an attractive tipple with discerning drinkers – and a good sales booster for licensees in the tricky trading month before the festive season.”
Ends/MHPR- Pendle Porter 2013
Notes to editors:
Moorhouse’s has won more awards than any comparable brewer, including Black Cat voted Camra Supreme Champion Beer of Britain 2000 and Pride of Pendle hailed the Champion Cask Ale title at the Brewing Industry International Awards 2004.
Founder William Moorhouse established his drinks manufacturing business in Accrington Road, Burnley, Lancashire in 1865. Originally it produced mineral waters and then low strength hop bitters for Temperance Movement bars. Moorhouse’s began full strength brewing in the 1970s and in the eighties Manchester businessman Bill Parkinson bought the then ailing brewery ‘because he liked the beer’. Now, Moorhouse’s directly supplies several hundred pubs throughout the region and in Yorkshire, while distributing nationally via leading wholesalers and major pub chains.
For further information contact: Steve Hobman, Rhino Public Relations: 07751 578605. email: