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15th December 2020

New: British Guild of Beer Writers’ Annual Member Survey 2020/21

Today we are launching the British Guild of Beer Writers’ Annual Member Survey 2020/21, and would like to invite all full and associate Guild members to fill out the survey at their convenience before the closing date of the 15th January 2021.

Share your feedback here:

Your feedback is hugely important and will help the Board to further improve the Guild on behalf of members and raise the profile of membership to those outside of the organisation. Your answers will be treated in the strictest confidence and you will never be identified individually in any publication of the data from this survey. Only percentage figures from the survey’s data will ever be communicated publicly.

Whilst every effort has been taken to make this survey work for the vast majority of members there may be some instances where your personal circumstances and/or experience falls outside the options available, in this instance we would ask members to simply answer as best you can or use the ‘other – please specify’ option.

If you have any further questions, please email