Date: Wednesday 17 October
Time: 6.00 – 8.00 pm
Venue: The Hock Cellar, Fuller Smith & Turner, The Griffin Brewery, Chiswick Lane South, London W4 2QB
The Guild is hosting an evening seminar for members on beer tax. Three experts will present the facts, with the aim of keeping Guild members fully informed on the topic as we approach Budget.
Our speakers are:
- David Wilson, public affairs director at the BBPA, talking on beer tax and the Long Live the Local campaign
- James Calder, head of public affairs and communications, Society of Independent Brewers
- Rupert Thompson representing the Small Brewers Duty Reform Coalition
A light buffet will be served after the presentations and questions from the floor and we hope you will want to stay and catch up with fellow Guild members. Our thanks to Fuller’s for hosting this event.