A request from Neil Walker, Head of Communications & Marketing at SIBA and Guild Director:
For the next cover of SIBA’s Independent Brewer Magazine (which will be digital only) we will be featuring a collage image in the style of a video call (‘Zoom’ / ‘FaceTime’ etc, see image for reference).
All Guild members are welcome to submit their photo.
In order to get an image which is high enough quality the designers have said it’s best to stitch the image together rather than actually take a screen grab of a Zoom call in progress, so if you would like to be featured then all I need you to do is email me with a photo of you taken using your webcam or mobile phone looking at the camera and giving a cheers.
Again you can see on the attached the kind of thing I’m talking about, but essentially make sure you are sat in a position / location that fits with a video call.
So to summarise, images need to be:
-Looking at camera and relatively close (head and shoulders)
-Not too dark or backlit
-As high resolution as possible
-Should look like a video call so use webcam or ask someone to take the photo so it looks a bit like the attached.
-Only a single image of you needed, we will stitch them together to make it look like a mass video call!
If you’d like to submit an image, please send it to Neil directly on neil.walker@siba.co.uk