Podge’s Belgian Beer Tours for 2019 confirmed so far are:
Tour 96 / LambicLand Revisited
Wednesday 1 May 2019 – Monday 6 May 2019
This is our classic lambic beer tour in the area for which Podge invented the name ‘LambicLand’. We are staying at the comfy Hotel Keizershof in Aalst and will take in the bi-annual Toer de Geuze and the best of lambic brewers, blenders, beer restaurants and cafes. The Tour cost is £885 per person sharing a twin or double room. The Single Supplement is £225. If you are travelling alone and want to share a room with another traveller please contact me as we are regularly able to pair up travellers in twin rooms to avoid the need for payments of Single Supplements. If you want to join us on this Tour please send the deposit of £120 per person to secure your place. Read More.
Tour 97 / The Waterloo Tour: Breweries, Beer and Battlefields of Brabant
Thursday 8 August to Tuesday 13 August 2019
The Tour cost is £895 per person based on sharing in a twin or double room. The Single Supplement is £225. If you are travelling alone and want to share a room with another traveller please contact us as we are regularly able to pair up travellers in twin rooms to avoid the need for payments of Single Supplements. I’m aiming to include a visit to Hougoumont Farm, the key to the battlefield. And a nearby brewery. If you want to join us on this Tour please send a deposit of £130 per person to secure your place. Read More.
!! NEW TOUR!! Tour 98 / Christmas in Antwerp
Sunday 22 December – Friday 27 December 2019
We will once again be spending Christmas in Antwerp in 2019. I have plans for a meal at a restaurant in the grounds of a beautiful East Flanders castle with the oldest wrought iron suspension bridge in Europe and as if that were not exciting enough, the restaurant is in the brick tower dove-cot with room for 700 pigeons. I can’t wait.
Siobhan adds, “I aim to run a Beer & Battlefields Tour in Flanders during 2019 based on my findings at The National Archives in Kew thus far for my PhD Alcohol and Discipline in the British Army during the First World War. One of my studies for the PhD is a comparative look at disciplinary procedures in the British Army on the Western Front and Gallipoli, but it might be a while yet until Podge’s Belgian Beer Tours do a Dardanelles Tour! So keep a look out for more news on this one.
“For those of you who travel to Belgium independently, or if you just want to know more about beer cafes and beer tourism in Belgium, check out Podge’s Belgian City Bar Guide online maps which cover the whole country. ” Read More.
Further information:
Siobhan McGinn (Mrs Podge)
Podge’s Belgian Beer Tours
Driving people to drink since 1994
01245 354677
mobile 00 44 (0)772 272 4558