Sheffield’s Real Heritage Pubs, edited by Dave Pickersgill is enjoying a surge in demand following its shortlisting in the Citizen Beer Communicator category of this year’s Guild Awards.
Dave says, “The first edition has been available as a download for just over a year. Since the shortlisting, demand has increased so we produced a second, larger edition, both as a download and in print.
“We’ve reached over 97,000 downloads, which we’re delighted with, as when we started, we thought 1000 would be straightforward and hoped for 10,000. 100,000 is likely to be passed before the end of November.
“We’ve also had some really positive reviews: CAMRA What’s Brewing, from Roger Protz, Beer Imbiber and the Sheffield Star.”
Hard copies of the Guide are available in Sheffield retail outets, via CAMRA books and Beer Inn Print.