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26th March 2012

Taking Beer to a different level, The Beer Sommelier

Andrew Cooper from the Bristol Beer Factory became one of the country’s first accredited Beer Sommelier’s this week, when completing a course with the Beer Academy. Candidates were required to demonstrate their beer credentials in a stretching Viva voce with the Beer Academy’s Chief Examiner, Dr George Philliskirk. George said “Candidates must not only possess technical knowledge, they have to demonstrate the communications skills and passion to inspire people to discover more about beer. These new Beer Sommeliers are going to be at the vanguard of beer’s renaissance.”
Andrew commented, “Beer has such a wide variety of flavours and styles, we think it is really important to educate people about beer and how it can be enjoyed in different ways. The perception of beer still needs some help, I really enjoy introducing new tastes and flavours and showcasing how beer can work with all sorts of different food ingredients.”
Beer Academy Director Simon Jackson said “Beer is Great Britain’s national drink but for too long it has been seen as a less sophisticated choice than wine. No longer. We are seeing a brewing resurgence in the UK with hundreds of breweries opening in the past decade and pubs, restaurants and hotels offering a wide range of beers to accompany their menus. Britain’s beer lovers have an enormous thirst for knowledge and our Beer Sommeliers will help guide them through the dazzling array of beers that are now on offer.”
Andrew has over 10 years experience working in the industry with pubs, retailers and a brewery. He regularly hosts Beer Tastings and Beer and Food Matching Dinners for the Bristol Beer Factory. Andrew’s next event is at No.1 Harbourside on March 26th.