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7th September 2016

The Belgian Beer Book – Discover Belgian beer culture

Belgian beer is world famous. And justly so. Other countries may brew or drink more beer, but nowhere is beer more completely and intricately woven into national life and culture than in Belgium.
The Belgian
Beer Book
Erik Verdonk & Luc De Raedemaeker
In The Belgian Beer Book renowned Belgian beer writers Erik Verdonck and Luc De Raedemaeker introduce readers to this unique culture. They explain how Belgium’s dizzying variety of beer styles are brewed, the ingredients and processes that shape their flavours, and how drinkers should store, pour, and taste them to enjoy them at their best.

The book is a handy compass to guide you on your travels across the beer country of Belgium. Take a look at Belgian café culture and try out the author’s selection of specialty beer cafés.

EAN 9789401435512
Four-colour print 225 x 285 mm
704 pp.

> More Info
About Erik Verdonk and Luc De Raedemaeker
Erik Verdonck is managing partner at The Belgian Beer Company, and the owner, an online platform celebrating Belgium’s beer, gastronomy and tourism, for which he provides the written and visual content. A born storyteller, Erik is the author of some 20 books, including Wild Europe*, De Smaak van De Keyser, Just Baking, Puur Bru and Kasteelkeuken(all published by Lannoo). Erik’s work is regularly published in Belgian magazines such as Grande,Touring Explorer, Pasar and Culinaire Ambiance.

* also available in English.

Luc De Raedemaeker is a beer educator. He writes for Belgian magazines such as Hopper,Zytholoog and Vino Magazine, the Chinese Hops Magazine, and the American magazine All About Beer. He is a member of the British Guild of Beer Writers, and managing editor of the Belgian magazine Bier Grand Cru and the Chinese magazine Beer Link. Luc’s extensive knowledge of beer has made him a well-known critic and analyst. He is a jury member at renowned beer festivals such as the American World Beer Cup, the Japanese International Beer Competition, the Dutch PINT Bockbierfestival, and at many Belgian beer festivals. Luc is the Tasting Director and Project Manager at the Brussels Beer Challenge, a competition he launched five years ago.

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