The All-Party Parliamentary Beer Group (APPBG) today launches an inquiry into the future of cask beer in the UK and invites businesses, organisations and individuals with an interest to submit evidence. A cross-party panel of MPs and Peers will scrutinise the evidence and hear from expert witnesses, before publishing a report in the Spring with recommendations for Government action.
The panel is particularly interested to explore the impact of the Covid -19 pandemic on sales of cask ale, and the pressures the sector faces as UK pubs reopen over the coming months.
Launching the inquiry, APPBG chair Mike Wood MP (Con, Dudley South) said: “Real Ale is unique to the UK, central to our brewing heritage and extraordinarily dependent on pubs for its sales. The lockdown caused an unprecedented fall in volumes, which were down over 60% in 2020. This has had a widespread impact, as for many brewers, cask ale makes up a large proportion of their output. The revival of sales is vital to their commercial future and we want to understand how best this can be ensured.”
“The fortunes of cask beer are dependent on two things: pubs reopening successfully and consumers being confident that it safe to go out. We look forward to hearing from operators on the pressures they face, and to considering what actions will best enable cask beer to recover from this national crisis.”
Anyone wishing to submit written evidence to the inquiry should email Paul Hegarty, Hon Secretary, APPBG at paul@beergroup, by 31st March 2021.
Notes to Editors
All-Party groups lack the formal scrutiny powers of a Select Committee, but a group may consider any matter which falls within its remit. Previous inquiries by the APPBG include: Beer Tax (1995), Licensing Law Reform (1999), Community Pubs (2008), Beer Tax Fraud (2012) and Unlocking Pubs’ Potential (2020).
The APPBG was established in 1993 and is one of the largest All-Party Groups in Parliament. Its objectives are to broaden recognition of the enormous contribution of brewing and pubs to the UK economy from grain to glass – and to celebrate the unique role that beer and pubs play in our society.
Evidence and further information will be published on the inquiry’s website:
Press release from the All Party Parliamentary Beer Group
For more information: Paul Hegarty, Honorary Secretary, All Party Parliamentary Beer Group, or 07808 096250