Los Angeles-based Guild member Tomm Carroll, a longtime advocate for birra artigianale, joins Italian craft expert Lorenzo “Kuaska” Dabove for an online Masterclass entitled Untapped Secrets of Italian Craft Beer.
A collaboration between the Italy-America Chamber of Commerce West (IACCW), headquartered in Los Angeles, and the Accademia delle Professioni in Padua, the class will explore the originality and creativity of modern Italian brewers and the intimate relationship to their homeland through the use of local ingredients.
Untapped Secrets of Italian Craft Beer takes place online on Thursday, 8 July, 12:00-1:00 PM PDT / 9:00-10:00 PM CET. For more information and complimentary registration (by 5 July), visit https://www.eventbrite.com/e/masterclass-untapped-secrets-of-italian-craft-beer-tickets-158188242291