Welcome to the following new members of the Guild. We now number more than 300 writers, bloggers, broadcasters, photographers, publishers, PRs, marketeers, trainers, tour guides and others in the world of beer and pubs. If you know anyone who you think would benefit from joining the Guild, please direct them to Membership Secretary, Annabel Smith: annabel@beerbelle.co.uk or to our online application form.
Our new Full members are:
Stuart Howe: 20 years as a successful brewer, now a consultant at Howe Brewing Consultancy who also writes technical training material, brewing textbooks and articles.
Vince Raison: freelance writer for the last 20 years, and blogging about pubs in South London since 2015 on www.deserter.co.uk. ‘Today South London, Tomorrow South London’, published last year, was described as ‘part guide, part travelogue, part glorious pub crawl’.
Nick Law: runs the Hop Forward brewery consultancy and branding agency specialising in the craft beer sector. Nick also produces a weekly podcast http://www.hopforward.beer/podcast
Alex Metcalfe: Learning & Discovery manager for CAMRA, writing about beer and pubs across their channels including What’s Brewing and Beer.
Jamie Williams: partner at creative agency isobel, who has worked on many beer brands in his 16 years in advertising. Jamie writes about beer trends and innovations for magazines including The Grocer and Campaign.
Joining as Associate members are:
Robin Parker: accredited Beer Sommelier, Tour Guide at St Peter’s Brewery in Suffolk and Director at Equal Brewkery, a brewery and bakery proving opportunities for individuals with learning disabilities.
Jake Nash: social executive at Purity Brewing, and a freelance photographer. https://www.jaketnash.com/portfolio