Trade association says recovery for beer and pub sector in Wales only just beginning
The Welsh Beer & Pub Association (WBPA), the leading trade body representing brewers and pubs in Wales, has today welcomed the announcement that the Welsh Government plans to move to Alert Level Zero, in the process lifting many COVID restrictions, from 7th August.
The trade association says the lifting of restrictions will enable more pubs to reopen that have remained shut because they cannot viably operate under current restrictions.
After nearly 18 months of forced closure or operating under heavy restrictions, the WBPA has warned that the recovery for brewers and pubs will only begin when restrictions are lifted.
To do this, the WBPA is supporting and promoting the newly launched Long Live The Local campaign. The campaign is urging the UK Government to invest in the sector so it can drive the economic recovery by reforming VAT, beer duty and business rates, reducing the unfair tax burden pubs and breweries face.
A Welsh Beer & Pub Association spokesperson said:
“After nearly 18 months of closure or heavy restrictions, 7th August will be a huge milestone for pubs and brewers in Wales.
“It means our beloved locals can properly reopen and operate much more freely. A pint on 7th August is going to be all the more special!
“Pubs in Wales that were unable to reopen and operate viably because of the restrictions will now be able to open once more. Although this will be 2 and a half weeks after pubs in England do.
“The recovery of pubs and brewers in Wales is just beginning with the last 18 months practically being written off for them. Having been one of the worst hit sectors by lockdown, our pubs and brewers now need the UK Government to invest in them by reforming VAT, beer duty and business rates to reduce the unfair tax burden they face and aid their recovery.
“We urge people who want to help pubs in Wales and see them thrive support the Long Live the Local campaign and sign the petition at With the right investment, the brewing and pub sector in Wales has a vital role to play.”
Press release from the Welsh Beer & Pub Association