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28th June 2019

Windhoek Lager Completes £5,000 UK Fundraising Challenge for Save the Rhino International

Windhoek Lager fundraising for Save the Rhino International
Windhoek Lager fundraising for Save the Rhino International

Namibian #PureBeer brand Windhoek Lager has completed its year-long UK fundraising campaign after hitting its £5,000 target for Save the Rhino International.

Collaborating with bars, pubs, retailers, rugby players and consumers, a wide range of fundraising activities have been run in the past year.

The campaign began with a Windhoek Lager UK representative running the Hackney Half marathon in a rhino suit before a series of in-outlet events last summer, including a charity pig racing night at the award-winning Pig & Whistle pub in Wandsworth and a weekly charity live music night at the Brighton Rocks bar on the south coast.

Three more Windhoek warriors completed charity runs in April and May this year and the brand has also recently linked up with Namibian Rugby captain Renaldo Bothma, who currently plays for Harlequins.

As part of the collaboration, Renaldo’s fashion company botthms has designed and produced 1,000 pairs of exclusive rhino and Windhoek Lager socks, which are now on sale for £8.99 on his website –

Fifty per cent of the profits from the sale of each pair of socks will be donated to the campaign so it’s hoped that the initial £5,000 target can be further increased. For details visit –

Windhoek Lager Export Manager Antonio Simoes said:

“We’re so proud to have hit our target and to have raised some much-needed funds for a charity doing incredible work to help save such awe-inspiring animals. I want to say a special thanks to everyone who has got involved, donated to and supported the campaign as without their generosity this wouldn’t have been possible.”

Michaela Butorova, Partnerships Manager from Save the Rhino International, said:

“On behalf of everyone at Save the Rhino International, I would like to say a huge thank you to Namibia Breweries team for exceeding their goal and reaching an amazing through their fantastic fundraising efforts! It has been brilliant to see all of the different events and activities the brewery and their partners have been getting involved in. From the Piggy Racing night, Brighton Rocks bar and Botthms socks, to the Hackney Half, their commitment to raising funds and awareness has been incredible, and we greatly appreciate their dedication to protecting rhinos in the wild.”


About Windhoek Lager and Namibia Breweries Ltd

The story of Windhoek beer began with two German bankers arriving in the erstwhile German Colony of South West Africa in 1906. Hermann Ohlthaver and Carl List were completely unprepared for the searing sun and desolate landscape, yet they never returned to their country of origin. Instead, in 1920 they scraped together their life’s savings and bought four small local breweries, one more run-down than the next.

The Windhoek founders were passionate about beer; beer made the German way, made according to the Reinheitsgebot of 1516 and so Namibia’s 100% pure beer was born. Today the production capacity of the Windhoek Brewery is upwards of 2.2 million hectolitres per annum. Beer from this site travels to the furthest corners of Africa and around the world.

Windhoek Lager’s distinctive, hoppy flavour and crisp taste can be attributed to its longer brewing time. This 100% pure premium lager is brewed using malted barley, hops, water and nothing else. Windhoek Lager has a 4% ABV. Windhoek Lager has been consistently recognised by the DLG quality awards in Germany, our 2018 gold medal is our 12th Gold in a row. Consistent brewing according to strict international standards means Windhoek Lager has earned the title – Africa’s World Class Beer.

For further information visit or follow on Twitter @Windhoekbeer_UK

About Save the Rhino International

Save the Rhino International collaborates with partners to protect endangered rhinos across Africa and Asia with the goal of ensuring all five species of rhino thrive in the wild. With the rhino’s habitat shrinking across the globe and poaching reaching crisis point, three of the five species of rhino are Critically Endangered and two of these species have fewer than 80 animals surviving.

Save the Rhino International is aiming to halt the twin threats to ensure by 2036, black rhinos, Sumatran rhinos and Javan rhinos will no longer be Critically Endangered. To halt these twin threats, the UK-based charity works with the most effective people and projects in Africa and Asia to support rhino populations, champion community-led conservation, reduce the trade in illegal horns, and inspire rhino supporters across the globe to join in.
(UK Registered Charity Number 1035072).

For further information on the latest projects visit:
Twitter: @savetherhino
Facebook: @savetherhinointernational
Instagram: @savetherhinointernational

Sam Houston
Hungry Communications Ltd

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