Wirral’s award winning Peerless Brewing Company is rolling out new brew Whiteout to join its tasty line up of wintertime treats.
A very pale tipple, Whiteout (3.8%abv) is brewed with pale malt combined with American Columbus and Summit hops for pungent aromas of grapefruit and orange with citrus flavours and good bitterness – offering an easy drinking alternative to many traditional seasonal ales
It joins three other Peerless brews available again from mid November until February. Jack Frost Blond (4.1%abv) is ‘blond ale with a pronounced citrus finish … lightly hopped and then laced with a delicious mix of vodka, orange zest and coriander’. Red Rockin’ Robin (5.0%abv) is deep red in colour and combines rich malt flavours with a hint of port wine and has a final spicy flourish from cloves and nutmeg. Winter Wallop (6.0%abv) is strong, rich ale. A real winter warmer it features a good bitterness level and a fruity finish, all derived from English hops and an infusion of brandy, cinnamon and sultanas. Each beer has a distinctive pump clip to reflect the ale style.
Peerless managing director and head brewer Steve Briscoe said: “We are adding to our popular winter selection with a beer that is light coloured and of moderate strength to cater for the contemporary trend towards paler beers. Some people now prefer this style all year round, not just for the summer – but these very tasty US hops will still make it stand out. We now have four excellent beers that will appeal across a range of tastes for a very Peerless Christmas.”
Peerless ales are supplied to pubs across the North West and nationally via wholesalers. Last month the three year old brewer claimed four awards at the SIBA North Beer Competition and is seeing year-on-year growth as it strengthens the product portfolio. Ends/ ref: Peerless PR 28
Note to editors: SIBA North winners in October 2012 were –All American IPA (5.2%), Storr (4.8%) a pale and hoppy cask lager and Jinja Ninja (4%abv), first brewed in 2011 as speciality ale with root ginger and chillies for ‘delicious golden beer with fruity and spicy notes’. At the SIBA (Society of Independent Brewers) National Brewing Awards 2012 it was voted Champion Bottled Speciality Beer and claimed a bronze award for all bottled beers in the contest. Peerless beer brands also include Red Rocks (5%abv), Triple Blond (4.1%abv), Viking Gold (4.6%abv), Dark Arts (4.1%abv) and strong ruby ale Full Whack (6%abv) in the core ale portfolio.
For further media information or interviews and photographs please contact: Steve Hobman, Rhino Public Relations: 07751 578605. email: shobman@rhinopr.freeserve.co.