Each month Zerodegrees launch four specials. Each special comes from our four Brewers, Simon (Bristol), Dario (Blackheath), Joe (Reading) and Pawel (Cardiff)
This month the styles they’ve gone for are Single Hop Lager (Pacific Lager), USA Light Lager (Bristol Lite), Session IPA (Porch Beer) and Oat Lager (Tarty Madness)
The Brewers make these beers based on what they’re inspired by. Want to know more about our Beer and our Brewers? Simply head over to our website to find out https://www.zerodegrees.co.uk/brewery/
Annie-May Shawki
Head of Sales & Marketing
Zerodegrees Microbrewery & Restaurant
M: 07802 728376
E: annie@zerodegrees.co.uk
W: www.zerodegrees.co.uk