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24th October 2017

Guild Yearbook – action required

Work has begun on the 2018 edition of the Guild of Beer Writers Yearbook.  This publication is sent widely to editors on national and regional media, TV and radio broadcasters and others who may commission beer writers. We also send it to brewers, pub groups and others who may need your expertise for their communications to consumers and customers.   It is therefore a great platform for you to promote yourself to potential employers.

The details we require about Guild members for the Yearbook should be on the Guild website.  We would therefore urge you please to update your information on the website, so that we can include – with editing where required – in the Yearbook.  Please make sure  you include current contact details and a brief summary of your expertise and experience.

We would be grateful if you could update this by Monday 31 October.   If  you have any questions about logging onto the website to edit your page, please contact