The British Beer & Pub Association says brewers and pubs can get involved in English Tourism Week 2014; a week-long celebration of events from the 29th March to 6th April 2014. ETW showcase the quality and vibrancy of visitor experiences in England – a great opportunity to showcase British pubs, which are right at the heart of the UK’s tourism offer says the BBPA.
There is a wealth of ideas on the English Tourism Week website on how tourism businesses can get involved. For pubs, this could be through activities such as quizzes, special meals and events. Ideas for pubs include inviting your MP on 4th April (Constituency Day) and get them to come behind the scenes and find out about how your business works; invite your Mayor, Council leader and/or other local VIPs to come and pull a pint, or stage a local beer festival.
Brewers can also get involved in British Tourism Week. With British beers a cultural icon, the use of our unique beer and brewing heritage as a magnet for visitors has become increasingly important.
Brigid Simmonds, BBPA Chief Executive, comments:
“Beer and pubs are vital to tourism in the UK. Pubs are a beacon of hospitality, and English Tourism Week provides a real opportunity to remind the public and our parliamentarians of the vital role they play, both to our economy, and in providing careers and opportunities. I hope brewers and pubs will get behind it.”
For further information please contact:
Neil Williams, Head of Media Tel: (020) 7627 9156 / 07974 249 779
Gareth Barrett, Public Affairs Manager Tel: (020) 7627 9154
Sophie McIntyre, Communications & Campaigns Officer Tel: (020) 7627 9155
Notes to editors:
The British Beer & Pub Association is the UK’s leading organisation representing the brewing and pub sector. Its members account for 96 per cent of the beer brewed in the UK and around half of Britain’s 49,500 pubs.
Neil Williams
Head of Media
British Beer & Pub Association
020 7627 9156
07974 249 779
British Beer & Pub Association
Ground Floor
Brewers’ Hall
Aldermanbury Square