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14th November 2019

Event Invite from Laine Brew Co: Promoting Diversity in Beer

Laine Brew Co is hosting an event to celebrate the launch of “One for All”, an apprenticeship scheme that seeks to attract diversity in the beer industry.

The event will take place at The Four Thieves in Clapham Junction on Wednesday 20th November from 6-7.30pm and feature a panel discussion on diversity in beer with special guests followed by a Q&A, beer tasting, bites and more.

Taking learnings in diversity from the US craft sector, Laine has invited American brewer and Instagram Influencer Megan Stone (@isbeeracarb) to come to the UK to help launch the programme, brewing a special beer with Laine to celebrate called All for One. During the event, she will be unveiling the new hazy IPA and telling her story of how she made it as a gay woman in a male dominated brewing industry in the US. She will be joined by founder of the UK’s only all-female brewery Mothership Brewery Jane Francis Le Blond and Farooq Khalid, Head Brewer for Portobello Brewery.

For more information, contact Clara Zerbib (